Ecofect 'Eco-evolutionary dynamics of infectious diseases' is one of the 12 LabEx (Laboratory of Excellence) financed through the 'Investissements d'Avenir' framework programme of the French government and supported by the University of Lyon.
Ecofect gathers about 195 people including 150 researchers and teachers-researchers, from 10 scientific (University C. Bernard Lyon 1, ENS Lyon, CNRS, Inria, Insa), medical (Inserm, Institut Pasteur, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Fondation Mérieux), veterinary (VetAgro sup) and agronomic (Inra) institutions.
Ecofect promotes interdisciplinarity to understand how global changes favour the (re)emergence of infectious diseases and to define innovative strategies to better manage future sanitary crises using understandings of populations and communities' ecology and evolution studies.
It is our great pleasure to announce the participation of two guest speakers: Ana Rivero from the MIVEGEC Research Center, Montpellier, and Thierry Wirth from the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, who will present keynote lectures.
This Ecofect 2018 annual meeting will be the opportunity to highlight and share the recent research findings of the LabEx teams. All funded projects are invited to present either through a short talk (for projects that did not present in 2017) or a poster. Graduate students and postdocs are particularly encouraged to present their work.
We also invite all the teams affiliated to the Ecofect LabEx to present their work through posters.
Given that the LabEx will apply for renewal in September 2018, an extended lunch break and a “round table” have been organized to stimulate discussions and brainstorming and promote the identification of new perspectives and research goals for the LabEx' next period.
The 2018 Annual Meeting will take place on the houseboat 'La Plateforme', an original and friendly meeting venue!
Regsitration is free of charge but mandotory. To register, please click here
Registration deadline: 15 April 2018
Call for abstracts
Short presentations (7min + 3min questions): The funded projectsVIVALDI, ViBra-Flu, LEGCOXINET, VMMTSS, EVOFIT-COMBO, DENGEVOLOMICS, BAT-NIPATH, INTRACELL, H-LIKE et ERMIT are invited to present during one of the short communications' session.
Poster session: All other funded projects are invited to prepare posters. We also invite all the LabEx' teams to present their current projects through posters.
We suggest the abstracts, presentation slides and posters to be in English, but talks/presentations to be in French.